Reduce the appearance of fine lines around the mouth and achieve a more defined lip line and prominent cupids bow.
My popular lip treatments are administered by using small amounts of dermal filler to restore volume and enhance definition, leaving you with a perfect smile you'll just love to show off or to correct any asymmetry/previous scars on your lips.
This effective cosmetic procedure works to sculpt and define the contours of the cheeks, enhancing volume and softening the fine lines and creases that naturally come with age. My cheek contour treatment will instantly lift the face, whilst creating natural shadows beneath the cheekbones for a slimmer, more youthful appearance.
This treatment specifically targets the deep, prominent lines that run from your nose down to the sides of your mouth. Often the most obvious tell-tale sign of our true age, these lines can create the appearance of sagging cheeks. My treatment offers fast, effective results with minimal downtime and bruising.
Achieve perfect facial contours and correct a dimpled or misshapen chin with my tailored chin augmentation treatment. Minimal amounts of dermal filler are administered to address specific problem areas, creating the appearance of much more defined and beautiful facial contours.
Redefine your jaw without the need for invasive surgery. A treatment option popular with both our male and female clients, my jaw filler treatment can create the illusion of chiselled contours or a perfectly softened jaw line. Tailored amounts of dermal filler lift and angle the jaw for effective, immediate results.